What to Consider When Downloading WinCC Runtime Professional from an Engineering Station to an Operator Station (Runtime PC)
This document outlines the key considerations and troubleshooting steps to take if downloading WinCC Runtime Professional from an Engineering Station (ES) to an Operator Station (OS) fails.
WinCC Installation
Ensure the following conditions are met:
- The version of WinCC Runtime Professional is compatible with the version of Windows being used.
- The computer meets the system requirements for WinCC RT Professional.
- The product installation process completes without errors or warnings.
- Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2 is installed.
- If the WinCC Professional installation fails, copy the folder ...\sources\sxs from the installation media to the target computer and restart the installation from the copied folder.
- SIMATIC NET is installed on the operating system.
- The software versions (including service packs) installed on the ES and OS are identical.
- The SIMATIC Security Controller is properly configured on both the ES and OS.
- The Security Controller can be accessed via "Start > All Programs > Siemens Automation > Security Controller."
WinCC Project
Verify the following assumptions:
- The project compiles without errors or warnings.
- There is no project with the same name already present on the OS.
- If a project with the same name exists on the OS, it must be manually deleted using Windows Explorer.
- The configured computer name matches the actual computer name exactly.
- Open the device configuration for the PC station and enter the computer name under "Properties > General."
4. Computer Name Considerations (See Figure 01)
- The computer name must not contain lowercase letters or certain special characters (e.g., spaces or “*”).
- If the option "Generate PROFINET device name automatically" is enabled in the PROFINET interface configuration, the PROFINET device name is derived from the entry in the "Name" field of the PC’s "Properties" dialog box (not the "Computer Name").
- The name is then automatically converted according to PROFINET naming rules, meaning uppercase letters are replaced with lowercase letters, and so forth.
5. IP Address Configuration
- The IP address configured for the IE port in the project must exactly match the IP address of the OS.
6. Application Access Point Configuration
- Properly configure the application access point:
- Open the "Set PG/PC Interface" application in the computer’s Control Panel.
- On the "Access Path" tab, set the "Application Access Point" to "S7ONLINE."
- Under "Interface Parameter Assignment Used," select the interface card connected to the PLC.
- In the monitoring window for the RT and PLC communication connection, the "Automatic Setting" option under "Operator Panel" must not be enabled.
Network Configuration
- Verify the following conditions:
- Use the PING command to test the IP addresses of the ES and OS.
- The network configuration must ensure that the ES and OS are on the same subnet or can communicate through a router.
- Use the PING command to test the computer names of the ES and OS.
- If unsuccessful, configure the "lmhosts" file:
- Open the file at the following path using a text editor: <Drive>\Windows\system32\drivers\etc\.
- Enter the ES/OS information in the following syntax: "IP address ComputerName #PRE".
Redundancy Configuration
If the redundancy system is not configured correctly, you may encounter one of the following messages:
- "Cannot create a redundant server on the local device."
- "The current project contains a redundant server configuration and cannot be loaded onto another device."
For redundancy configuration in a system with two servers, consider the following points:
- The Engineering Station (ES) must be on a separate PC system to upload to the servers.
- The two servers must each be hosted on separate PC systems.
Empty Project Directory
The WinCC project directory must not contain any files unrelated to the project.
- Remove any backup versions or other unnecessary files.