Application Description: In common measurement and control systems, if an NI control system is used as the master, you can connect Beckhoff's EtherCAT Coupler (e.g., EK1100) and Beckhoff's I/O modules (e.g., EL1008, EL2008, EL3058, EL4024, etc.) to the NI control system.
Step 1: Locate the ESI File
First, locate the EtherCAT terminal module device description file (EtherCAT XML Device Description (ESI)). There are three ways to obtain the ESI file:
- After installing TwinCAT2, find the corresponding .xml file in the directory ...\TwinCAT\Io\EtherCAT.
- After installing TwinCAT3, find the corresponding .xml file in the directory ...\TwinCAT\3.1\Config\Io\EtherCAT.
- Download the corresponding ESI file from
Step 2: Configure the EtherCAT Master and Import the ESI File
- In the NI system, configure the EtherCAT interface.
- Right-click on the EtherCAT Master, then choose Utilities»Import Device Profiles to import the ESI file into the NI system.
Step 3: Configure the EtherCAT Slave
After adding the XML (ESI) file, you can configure your project:
- Right-click on EtherCAT master»New Target or Device.
- In the pop-up window, select EtherCAT Slave Device»Beckhoff Automation GmbH»EK1100 EtherCAT Coupler (or similar options).
- After adding the Coupler, repeat the steps above, this time clicking on the Coupler in your LabVIEW project, and select your I/O devices as shown in the following image.