Implementation Difficulties and Solutions of MES

 With the development of smart manufacturing, Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) have become valuable assets that many manufacturing companies are eager to introduce. They effectively bridge the gap between upper-level ERP systems and underlying automation equipment, enabling real-time monitoring and optimization of production processes. However, the successful implementation of MES systems is not an easy task, and improper implementation strategies may lead to the failure to achieve expected benefits or even negative impacts. This article will delve into the potential challenges encountered during MES implementation and key countermeasures, aiming to assist manufacturing companies that are planning or in the process of implementing MES to mitigate risks and ensure the smooth progress of their projects.

Overview of MES Implementation Challenges

  1. Collaboration and Communication Challenges

MES projects integrate multiple professional domains such as production, logistics, quality control, information technology, and industrial engineering, involving numerous departments with diverse personnel knowledge structures. Since each department approaches from its own functional perspective, expecting to dominate the implementation direction of the project, and the communication mechanisms between them are yet to be improved, this often leads to significant disagreements in understanding and solving problems, creating communication barriers.

  1. Exposure of Legacy Information System Issues

Many companies introduce MES with the original intention of compensating for the deficiencies of previous information systems such as ERP and WMS in addressing actual production site issues. However, during the deep implementation of MES, contradictions and disconnects in early systems gradually emerge. Issues such as production plan execution, production feedback, and quality control need to be effectively integrated and resolved. This requires companies to properly coordinate and integrate multiple resources and overcome the integration challenges between existing systems and MES.

  1. High Customization and Impact on Core Business

Given that MES directly affects the core production processes of manufacturing companies, and each company has unique production processes and technologies with a high degree of customization, companies must be cautious when implementing MES to avoid excessive business process changes that could lead to decreased production line efficiency or even create additional burdens on lean production and on-site operations.

  1. System Complexity and Lack of Professional Knowledge

According to the ISA-95 standard, MES comprises up to 11 standard modules, forming a large and complex system. Thoroughly understanding the key functions of each module and their interrelationships, and selecting appropriate implementation entry points based on the actual situation of the enterprise, pose high requirements on the company's professional talent pool and knowledge structure.

  1. Supplier Selection and Matching Challenges

Due to differences in technical background and industry experience, MES suppliers have varying focuses on MES. When faced with numerous solutions that seem to meet their own needs, companies often struggle to choose the one that is most suitable for their business development. In the selection process, attention must be given not only to technological advancement but also to the depth and breadth of the supplier's understanding of the company's business.

Preparations Before MES Implementation

  1. Clarify Positioning and Business Requirements

Before initiating a MES project, the primary task for an enterprise is to clarify the purpose and expected benefits of implementing MES to avoid blindly following trends. At the same time, there should be a consensus within the enterprise regarding the core functions and coverage of the MES system at the business management level. It should be recognized that MES is not simply replicating successful cases from other enterprises but requires appropriate tailoring and customization based on the enterprise's actual situation.

  1. Deep Integration of Technology and Business Management

During the implementation of MES, technical personnel should strengthen communication and collaboration with business departments to gain a deep understanding of the actual needs of enterprise production management and ensure that the MES technical solution can effectively address business pain points. Especially in enterprises without a dedicated Industrial Engineering (IE) department, the IT department needs to assume the role of a communication bridge with the business departments, ensuring the realization of MES functions while fully considering the actual situation of the production site to achieve effective integration of technology and business management.

  1. Importance of Basic Data Organization

The operation of the MES system relies on accurate and complete business data. Therefore, organizing and optimizing basic data related to production is crucial. The MES system aggregates various types of information from the production site to achieve real-time monitoring and tracking of the manufacturing process, providing convenient traceability and query services for the customer service department, thereby reducing internal consumption and improving service efficiency. Therefore, before implementing MES, enterprises must prioritize the standardization and accuracy of basic data.

                                                                                                                                                                             The successful implementation of the MES system depends on whether an enterprise can clearly identify its own needs, communicate and collaborate effectively, select and integrate technical solutions correctly, and conduct solid preparatory work for basic data. Only by doing so can the enormous potential of the MES system be fully leveraged. By optimizing the production and manufacturing management model, strengthening the collaborative office capabilities of various departments, and controlling the production process in real-time, the enterprise's execution capabilities can be enhanced, ensuring that the MES project creates tangible value for the enterprise.