Q:Could not link external function FW_PREALISNAN
A:Cause of the issue: NAN values were used and passed to the program variable for calculation.
Solution: The software version 4024.32 supports the realisNaN function to check if the data is NAN; for previous versions, you can use fpu.realisnan.
Q:0x1510017 occurred during the restoration process of the BST tool.
After using the BST tool to backup C6015 and then attempting to restore it, an error as shown in the image was encountered. Before restoration, an additional hidden drive appeared besides the C drive, and only by selecting all drives could the restoration process proceed normally.
Q: How to deal with 1864 Port not open error?
A:High-level languages must ensure that the local port is successfully opened using adsportoepn();
If using the hyper-threading method of adsportoepnex(), it is necessary to note that there are usage limitations;
Q:When installing TwinCAT, I always get a prompt saying that a newer version of TwinCAT is already installed. How do I resolve this issue? Should I clean the registry? (ADS error: 1316) A newer version of TwinCAT is already installed.
After installing the 4024 version of TwinCAT 3 and uninstalling it, even after using the cleanup tool, an error message appears when attempting to install the 4020 version.
Resolution: Delete an entry in the registry as shown in the image below.
Q:No vaild websocket connection established code:777,message:LICENCE_CLIENT
A:An error message indicates that the client license for TF2000 is missing. TF2000 includes one client and one target, and if there is a need for more than one client, an additional purchase is required.
The malfunctioning device has already activated the permanent license for TF2000. It is required to create a new program, activate and run it after the device reboot, and then perform the te2000 publishing operation. After that, the malfunction disappears.
Q:Where is the TwinCAT HMI located after it is published?
A:The save path is:C:\ProgramData\Beckhoff\TF2000 TwinCAT 3 HMI Server\service\TcHmiProject\www
Q:Unknown type; cannot convert type ''to tye'';''is no componet of''
A:The above alarms are all related to abnormalities in library files. First, you can check if there are any exclamation mark symbols for libraries in the references.
The most common issue is with visualization, as its version changes frequently, and there may be multiple incompatible versions even within the same major version.
Potential solutions can be referenced as follows:https://tr.beckhoff.com.cn/mod/data/view.php?d=19&rid=1842
A:Cause of the issue: NAN values were used and passed to the program variable for calculation.
Solution: The software version 4024.32 supports the realisNaN function to check if the data is NAN; for previous versions, you can use fpu.realisnan.
Q:0x1510017 occurred during the restoration process of the BST tool.
After using the BST tool to backup C6015 and then attempting to restore it, an error as shown in the image was encountered. Before restoration, an additional hidden drive appeared besides the C drive, and only by selecting all drives could the restoration process proceed normally.
Q: How to deal with 1864 Port not open error?
A:High-level languages must ensure that the local port is successfully opened using adsportoepn();
If using the hyper-threading method of adsportoepnex(), it is necessary to note that there are usage limitations;
Q:When installing TwinCAT, I always get a prompt saying that a newer version of TwinCAT is already installed. How do I resolve this issue? Should I clean the registry? (ADS error: 1316) A newer version of TwinCAT is already installed.
After installing the 4024 version of TwinCAT 3 and uninstalling it, even after using the cleanup tool, an error message appears when attempting to install the 4020 version.
Resolution: Delete an entry in the registry as shown in the image below.
Q:No vaild websocket connection established code:777,message:LICENCE_CLIENT
A:An error message indicates that the client license for TF2000 is missing. TF2000 includes one client and one target, and if there is a need for more than one client, an additional purchase is required.
The malfunctioning device has already activated the permanent license for TF2000. It is required to create a new program, activate and run it after the device reboot, and then perform the te2000 publishing operation. After that, the malfunction disappears.
Q:Where is the TwinCAT HMI located after it is published?
A:The save path is:C:\ProgramData\Beckhoff\TF2000 TwinCAT 3 HMI Server\service\TcHmiProject\www
Q:Unknown type; cannot convert type ''to tye'';''is no componet of''
A:The above alarms are all related to abnormalities in library files. First, you can check if there are any exclamation mark symbols for libraries in the references.
The most common issue is with visualization, as its version changes frequently, and there may be multiple incompatible versions even within the same major version.
Potential solutions can be referenced as follows:https://tr.beckhoff.com.cn/mod/data/view.php?d=19&rid=1842
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