Beckhoff TwinCAT Frequently Asked Questions (Part11)

Q: When activating a configuration or reloading a device, an AdsError 1807 (0x70f, object already exists) appears.
A: After adding the Device EL6652 Scanner, when performing operations such as scanning slave stations, activating configurations, or reloading devices, an error 1807 will pop up, as shown in the figure below:

The reason is that the Object ID value in the image information of the added Device is identical to the Object ID of an existing Device's image (as shown in the figure below), leading to TwinCAT's self-check reporting an error 1807 during operations such as activating configurations:

The solution is: After adding Device 3, add another Device 4 (EL6652) with the same content. At this point, the object ID of the newly added Device 4 will definitely be different from Device 3's. Then, delete Device 3 and reconfigure Device 4 to resolve the issue.

This problem may have occurred because the customer did not directly scan all the hardware but manually changed the configuration information or manually added hardware configurations. Therefore, it is recommended that all hardware-related configuration information should be scanned completely before proceeding with subsequent operations.

Q: The TwinSAFE safety EL2904 module is reporting an error. Can I use TwinCAT software to view the detailed error information?
A:You can use COE_ONLINE to view the specific error information. The location is as follows:

Q: How do I import a .exp file into an existing project when programming in TC2?
A: mport the .exp file through the "project" -> "import" option.

Q: How to use XML file reading and writing in TwinCAT3: TF6421
A: Related Examples:

Note that besides the example routines in the compressed package, there are also XML files for testing purposes. These files need to be placed in the required C: drive path for the routines. It is recommended to perform local testing on the programming computer, and during runtime, different functions can be accessed by switching between different values.

Q: During OPC UA communication in TC3, an error message appears when adding an OPC UA server: "EXCEPTION The client application does not have a certificate assigned, Secured connections are not possible."

A: (Based on TF6100 Ver.

The solution is to delete the Data Access DI Component properties section in "Data Access.opcuada". Here's how to do it: First, close the TC3 OPC project. Secondly, locate the directory where the TC3 project is stored, for example: C:\Users\frankwang\Desktop\OPC3\TwinCAT Connectivity Project3\TwinCAT OPC-UA Server Project3\Data Access. Open "Data Access.opcuada" using a text editor, delete the red-highlighted section in the following image, and then save the file.

Reopen the project and repeat the process of adding the service again.

Note: When using TF6100 Ver., please note that VS Shell must be VS2017 or a later version.

Q: When programming ladder diagrams with TC3, the size of the function block changes with the variable name of the function block. Can I set it so that the size of the function block remains the same?

A: Expand the Tools and click Options to make the necessary settings.

Enter the TwinCAT -- PLC Environment -- FBD LD and IL Editor settings interface, and make sure that "Fixed size for operand fields" is not checked.

The specific settings are as shown in the figure.

Q: What does the blue lock icon next to a file in a TwinCAT3 project mean?
A: As shown in the image.

This occurs due to the use of Git version control.

Q: After publishing a TWINCAT3 HMI, I cannot find any servers on the "discover twincat hmi servers" page.

A: On the "discover twincat hmi server" interface,

Check if the TE2000 server is already open, and if the server in the lower right corner has been successfully configured. Ensure that TwinCAT has activated and selected the program with TF2000 license (or the device has a permanent license installed locally).

You can find a publishable server information appearing in the lower right corner. Click on "Config" to configure this server.

When clicking on "Config," a webpage will pop up, and an initial password is required for the first configuration.

After setting the initial password, you will need to enter this password every time for future configurations.

The publication of the HMI interface requires that the server has been successfully started.
Note: If scanning for non-local services, it must be confirmed that the firewall of the other party is turned off.

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