Q: What is the difference between FB_EnumFindFileList and FB_EnumFindFileEntry? (For finding file lists and checking if files exist)
A: Both are file search function blocks that perform the same functionality, but FB_EnumFindFileList has one additional capability compared to the FB_EnumFindFileEntry function block, which is the ability to read the number of valid files.
Q: When programming with TC2, the declared variable names are not aligned. What should I do?
A: You can set the Tab_width and click OK to fix the alignment.
Q: How does TwinCAT3 manage all breakpoints?
A: Locate the positions of all breakpoints and delete them all.
Q: Does the EL1904 support active raster signals?
A: Yes, it does. However, when configuring the module, the self-test signal of the EL1904 must be disabled in TwinCAT.
Q: How to use TcAdsTest.exe?
A: Open TcAdsTest.exe in the directory C:\TwinCAT\AdsApi\TcAdsTest. First, select "AdsPortOpen" to open the local port. If you want to communicate with the local machine, you can use "AdsGetLocalAddr" to read the netID of the local machine. Click "test" to start the ADS communication test, ensuring that the netID and port are correct. You can also set up communication testing based on group/offset or through variable names.
Q: In TwinCAT Measurement, can two variables be displayed through two separate charts?
A:Yes, it can be achieved. Assign the variables to different axes separately, and then set the YT Chart properties, checking the "stacked axes" option.
Q: Is there a function block that converts a real number to a time data type?
A:Yes, there is a function block called Real_To_Time, and the unit is milliseconds (ms).
Q: In TwinCAT Measurement, I want to monitor two variables, but one of them is relatively small. How can I monitor both variables without changing the program?
A:You can adjust the amplification factor of the variable in its properties.
Q: twincat C++ activation error: AdsError: 1838 (0x72e, ADS ERROR: invalid signature)
A: Error starting TwinCAT system!
Init1\Load Driver: Load Versioned Classfactory 'C++ Module
Vendor|test|'> > AdsError: 1838 (0x72e, ADS ERROR: invalid signature)
For further information, start the event viewer and open the application log.
With TwinCAT version 4024, when creating a new TwinCAT C++ project, there are three projects. Select the second project to add your components and then activate it.
Q: The compilation in TwinCAT2 shows "Expecting ';' but there is no code on the indicated line."
A: This indicates that there is a syntax error reported on a specific line, but in reality, there is no code present on that line, as shown in the figure below.
In this case, you can check if there is a Chinese comment written in the original corresponding line, but only half of the character has been deleted, or if a full-width semicolon is used instead of a half-width semicolon.Like my work? Consider a donation! 👇