Beckhoff TwinCAT Frequently Asked Questions (Part12)

 Q: Is there any functional block that can achieve the function of file copying?

A: Yes, there are examples that can achieve the function of file copying.

When using the img tag to import images, there are two issues to be aware of: the first is the image path, and the second is the file permissions.

Image Path Issue

Here, a relative path is used in the src option, as shown in the figure:

The root directory of the TwinCAT HMI server can be viewed in the config interface:

Its actual path is as follows:

With reference to the previous src path settings, you need to create a "demopic" folder within the "www" directory and place the image there. If the image does not exist in this directory, it will result in the inability to load the image.

Q: Regarding Function Selection, what does "0050" in TF6250-0050 represent?

A: The "0050" indicates the platform level, and the Function platform level needs to be consistent with the platform level of the corresponding controller.

The platform level of the controller can be checked through the technical parameter "TwinCAT3 level."

For explanations on the controller's platform level, please refer to the attached screenshot.

Please refer to the screenshot for the Function model specifications.

Q: What are the differences between TS1800-0001 and TS1800-0002 in TwinCAT2 supplement selection?

A: Both models have the same functionality, with the primary difference being the order quantity.

  • TS1800-0001: Order quantity ranges from 1 to 4.
  • TS1800-0002: Order quantity ranges from 5 to 9.
  • TS1800-0003: Order quantity ranges from 10 to 24.
  • TS1800-0004: Order quantity ranges from 25 to 49.
  • TS1800-0005: Order quantity ranges from 50 to 99.

The order quantity is specified for each model to provide flexibility in meeting different project needs and requirements.

Q: The CX51 series controller is showing a light purple/pink light.

A:There are a few possible scenarios. If it is the controller's first power-on, it will perform an initialization process, so please wait for a while. Another possibility is that the controller has triggered the UPS function. When using UPS, the PWR light on the controller will display a light purple/pink color.

Q: When EL1918 is used as a safety master station with safety input signals, what settings are required for the alias device to be functional upon import (For the selected Target System, a corresponding Alias Device with linking mode "local" is required.)


The Linking mode in the linking tab must be set to "local" in order to utilize its own channels to connect emergency stop and other input signals.

If the "local" setting option remains grayed out, you must manually delete the scanned module in the IO configuration and manually insert the module of version 0016 for configuration.

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