Discussion on Closed-Loop Control Systems Beyond PID



Industrial control systems play a vital role in modern industry, enabling automated production and optimization of production processes. Closed-loop control systems are a common control methodology, and beyond the traditional Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller, there exist numerous other closed-loop control methods and techniques. This article will focus on introducing these closed-loop control systems and providing practical application cases to enhance the usefulness of the article.

2 .The Importance of Closed-Loop Control Systems

A closed-loop control system is a control method based on the principle of feedback. It measures the output signal and compares it with the desired reference signal, enabling the system to automatically adjust its behavior based on the error signal to achieve the desired control target. Closed-loop control systems are capable of handling uncertain factors such as external disturbances, system changes, and model errors, improving the stability and robustness of the system.

3。Other Closed-Loop Control Systems

3.1 Fuzzy Control:

Fuzzy control is a control method based on fuzzy logic that can handle systems with fuzzy and uncertain characteristics. It utilizes fuzzy reasoning and fuzzy set theory to describe the relationship between input and output variables through fuzzy rules and determines control rules through fuzzy inference. Fuzzy control systems excel in handling nonlinear, complex systems, and situations with inaccurate models.

Practical Example:

For instance, fuzzy control methods can be employed in temperature control systems. The system measures the temperature sensor's value in real-time and adjusts the heater's output power based on a set of predefined fuzzy rules. This control method maintains temperature stability despite system variations and external disturbances.

Model Code Example (Python)

import numpy as npimport skfuzzy as fuzzfrom skfuzzy import control as ctrl

temperature = ctrl.Antecedent(np.arange(0, 101, 1), 'temperature')power = ctrl.Consequent(np.arange(0, 11, 1), 'power')

temperature['low'] = fuzz.trimf(temperature.universe, [0, 0, 50])temperature['medium'] = fuzz.trimf(temperature.universe, [0, 50, 100])temperature['high'] = fuzz.trimf(temperature.universe, [50, 100, 100])
power['low'] = fuzz.trimf(power.universe, [0, 0, 5])power['medium'] = fuzz.trimf(power.universe, [0, 5, 10])power['high'] = fuzz.trimf(power.universe, [5, 10, 10])

rule1 = ctrl.Rule(temperature['low'], power['high'])rule2 = ctrl.Rule(temperature['medium'], power['medium'])rule3 = ctrl.Rule(temperature['high'], power['low'])
temperature_ctrl = ctrl.ControlSystem([rule1, rule2, rule3])temperature_simulation = ctrl.ControlSystemSimulation(temperature_ctrl)

for t in range(0, 101): temperature_simulation.input['temperature'] = t temperature_simulation.compute() power_output = temperature_simulation.output['power'] print(f"Temperature: {t} - Power Output: {power_output}")

The example of fuzzy control is a simple temperature control system, where temperature is the input variable and power is the output variable. The fuzzy controller calculates the corresponding power output based on the fuzzy sets of temperature and predefined rules.

3.2 Nonlinear Control:

Nonlinear control is a methodology for handling nonlinear systems. Compared to linear control methods, nonlinear control utilizes nonlinear models and control strategies to describe the system, enabling better handling of highly nonlinear and time-varying systems. In many practical industrial applications, the nonlinear characteristics of systems are quite prominent, and nonlinear control methods can provide more accurate control performance in such cases.

Practical Application Example:

For instance, nonlinear control methods can be employed in a robotic arm control system. This system leverages model predictive control and adaptive control algorithms to handle path planning and dynamic responses of the robotic arm in complex environments.

Model Programming Example (Python)

import numpy as npfrom scipy.integrate import odeintimport matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def nonlinear_system(x, t): dxdt = np.sin(x) + np.cos(x) return dxdt

x0 = 0.1t = np.linspace(0, 10, 100)

x = odeint(nonlinear_system, x0, t)

plt.plot(t, x)plt.xlabel('Time')plt.ylabel('State')plt.title('Nonlinear System Response')

This nonlinear control case study involves a simple simulation of a nonlinear system, where the odeint function is utilized to numerically solve the dynamic equations of the nonlinear system and obtain the system's response curve.

3.3 Robust Control:

Robust control is a control methodology that addresses system parameter variations and modeling errors. It considers system uncertainties and designs controllers to ensure system stability and robustness. Robust control methods exhibit greater adaptability to systems with significant parameter variations and uncertainties.

Practical Application Example:

For instance, robust control methods can be employed in automotive suspension systems. Such a system maintains the performance and safety of the vehicle's suspension system despite variations in road conditions and vehicle load.

Model Programming Example (Python):

import controlfrom control import TransferFunctionimport matplotlib.pyplot as plt

G = TransferFunction([1], [1, 1, 1])
controller = control.robust.hinfsyn(G)
closed_loop_system = control.feedback(controller * G, 1)

t, y = control.step_response(closed_loop_system)plt.plot(t, y)plt.xlabel('Time')plt.ylabel('Output')plt.title('Robust Control Step Response')plt.grid(True)plt.show()

This robust control case study involves a simple step response simulation, where an H∞ robust controller is used to design a closed-loop system, and the step response curve of the system is plotted.

3.4 Model Predictive Control (MPC):

Model Predictive Control is an optimization-based control method that predicts the system's behavior over a future horizon based on its dynamic model and optimizes the current control input to achieve optimal control performance. The MPC approach can handle constraints and multivariable systems, and it considers the system's future behavior to achieve better performance.

Practical Application Example:

For instance, in chemical processes, MPC can be employed to control the temperature and pressure of a reactor. The MPC method utilizes the reactor's dynamic model to predict changes in temperature and pressure over a future horizon and optimizes the control inputs based on these predictions to ensure safe and efficient operation of the reactor.

Model Programming Example (Python):

import numpy as npimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltfrom scipy.optimize import minimize

def model_predictive_control(u0, N, Q, R): def cost_function(u): J = 0 x = 0 for i in range(N): x_next = 0.5 * x + u[i] J += Q * x_next**2 + R * u[i]**2 x = x_next return J
u_init = np.zeros(N)
result = minimize(cost_function, u_init, method='SLSQP') u_opt = result.x
return u_opt

N = 10 Q = 1.0 R = 0.1

u_opt = model_predictive_control(u0=np.zeros(N), N=N, Q=Q, R=R)

plt.plot(range(N), u_opt)plt.xlabel('Time')plt.ylabel('Control Input')plt.title('Model Predictive Control')plt.show()

This model predictive control case study involves a simple control problem where the control input sequence is solved using an optimization algorithm (here, the scipy.optimize.minimize function) to minimize a cost function within a prediction horizon. The resulting optimized control input sequence is then used to control the system.


Closed-loop control systems are commonly used control methods in industrial control, achieving automatic regulation of system behavior through the principle of feedback. Besides traditional PID controllers, there exist numerous other closed-loop control methods and techniques, such as fuzzy control, nonlinear control, robust control, and model predictive control. Each method has its suitable applications and advantages, and the appropriate control method can be selected based on specific application requirements.

These closed-loop control methods have extensive applications in various industrial fields, such as temperature control, mechanical control, chemical process control, and more. By applying the appropriate closed-loop control method, it is possible to enhance the system's stability, robustness, and performance, leading to automated production and optimized production processes.

However, selecting and designing an appropriate closed-loop control system requires consideration of factors such as system characteristics, control requirements, and the application environment. In practical applications, it is also necessary to conduct system modeling, parameter tuning, and performance evaluation to ensure the effectiveness and reliability of the closed-loop control system.

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