input/output signals of ABB robots configure on the teach pendant (Multiple Images)

 How to configure the input/output signals of ABB robots on the teach pendant? (Multiple Images)

To establish the exchange of input/output (IO) signals between the robot system and the external environment, besides correctly connecting the IO signal board in hardware (configuring bus addresses and electrical wiring), it is also necessary to configure the type and signals of the connected IO board in the software. The previous article introduced the standard IO signal board for ABB robots (DSQC652). In today's article, we will discuss how to configure the IO signals of the robot on the teach pendant.

First, open the teach pendant, click on the [ABB] menu, and select [Control Panel], as shown in the following figure:

In the Control Panel, select [Configuration], as shown in the following figure:

In the Configuration panel, double-click on [Unit]:

In the Unit panel, select [Add]:

In the new [Add] panel, there is a default value in the [Name] field: tmp0. It is recommended to use a meaningful name, such as "IO_1", as shown in the following figure:

In the next line below [Name], set the type of the IO board. Assuming the model of the IO board we want to configure is DSQC652, select "d652" from the options under [Type of Unit], as shown in the following figure:

The third line, [Connected to Bus], is used to set the bus to which the IO board is connected. Here, we select [DeviceNet1], as shown in the following figure:

Once the bus is set, the next step is to configure the address of the IO board on the bus.

Click to scroll down, locate [DeviceNet Address], and change it to the hardware-set address, for example, 10: (If you are unsure how to set the hardware address, please refer to this article: How to set the DeviceNet bus address for ABB robot standard IO board?)

After clicking [OK], the configuration of the IO board is completed. However, the task is not finished yet; you still need to configure each IO signal in the IO board.

The unit we configured earlier is of type DSQC652. In DSQC652, X1 and X2 are digital output terminals, while X3 and X4 are digital input terminals. The first terminal of X1 is assigned an address of 0, and it increases sequentially. (For more information about address allocation, you can refer to this article: Understanding the ABB robot standard IO signal board - DSQC652)

Now, we want to configure the first terminal (address 0) of X1 (digital output). First, in the [Configuration], locate [Signal]:


Double-click to open the [Signal] panel, then click [Add]:


Give the newly added signal a name, such as "IO1_Q0":

Then, set the [Type of Signal].

Since X1 is a digital output, select [Digital Output] here, as shown in the following figure:

Assign the signal to the unit [Assigned to Unit] IO_1:

Set the unit address [Unit Mapping] corresponding to this signal. Since we are currently configuring the first terminal (address 0) of X1, set [Unit Mapping] to 0, as shown in the following figure:

Great! With that, we have completed the configuration of the DSQC652 standard IO board and the signal configuration for the first terminal of X1 on the IO board. The same process can be followed to configure other signal terminals as well. If you have any further questions or need assistance with other configurations, feel free to ask!