Configure PNPN Coupler inTIA Portal

 How to Configure PNPN Coupler in TIA Portal Environment?

In a previous article, we introduced Siemens PNPN Coupler, and today we will explore how to configure and perform necessary hardware setups for the PNPN Coupler in the Siemens TIA Portal environment.

Let's consider the CPU319F-3PNDP as the current Profinet network's CPU. Begin by opening the Siemens TIA Portal Integrated Development Environment. Double-click on the navigation menu "Add New Device," and in the resulting dialog box, click "Controllers." In the tree menu on the right, locate CPU319F, and assign it the device name "SS_CPU319F," as shown in the following figure:

After clicking OK to confirm, the CPU is added to the current system. Next, within the CPU properties, locate the Profinet interface. Under "Ethernet address," find the subnet section, and click "Add New Subnet." The system will automatically create a new Profinet subnet named: PN/IE_1.

In the IP Protocol section, configure the CPU's IP address, as shown in the following figure:

Once the Profinet network and IP address are configured, the next step is to add the PNPN Coupler. Switch to the Network View, navigate to the Hardware Catalog, and locate "Other Field Devices." Open the various menu levels until you find the PNPN Coupler (PN-PN Coupler), as illustrated in the following figure:

Drag the PNPN Coupler into the Network View and connect it to the previously configured PN/IE_1 network, as shown in the following figure:

Switch to the Device View, and modify the device name of the PNPN Coupler to SS-PNPN01. Then, select Device Data Overview, and add the types of exchanged data. The exchanged data can be defined based on specific requirements, but it is crucial for the coupler on both sides to correspond to each other. In this example, we use IN/OUT 6 bytes/12 bytes and IN/OUT 12 bytes/6 bytes, as illustrated in the following figure:

After completing the hardware configuration, you can compile and download it to the CPU. Then, establish connections and assign a device name to the PNPN Coupler. In the Network View, select the PNPN Coupler, right-click, choose "Assign Device Name," and change the device name to the one we previously assigned: SS-PNPN01, as shown in the following figure:

At this point, the hardware configuration of the PNPN Coupler is complete. Follow the same process to configure the PNPN Coupler for the other network (ensuring data exchange correspondence). Now, both couplers are ready to exchange data.

That concludes this introduction. For further reference, please consult the related article:

"Introduction to Siemens PN/PN Coupler (PN/PN Coupler)"