How to Startup EtherCAT Bus System Step by Step|EtherCAT comissioning

 1.1 Sync Units

It makes sense to have several Sync Units in a Bus System. Sample: (Control Cabinet, Drives, Field Side C, Field Side D and so on) 

It is possible to run the EtherCAT Bus System with a disconnected Sync Unit. Take care, if the Unit will be connect or disconnect on line, the Bus system can initialize again.  

Sync Unit are not for Online Change of the Bus Configuration (like for Tooling Change). For that case Hot Connect groups need to be used.  
To define Sync Units go to EtherCAT Master to Register EtherCAT and to “Sync Unit Assignment”. 

1.2 Bus State for UPS 

Use directly and only the State of the Terminal where the UPS Signal inputs are wired. 
Mapping ins System Manager: 

Handling Sample in PLC Logic

2 Startup EtherCAT Bus System Step by Step 
2.1 Check for TwinCAT Build 

For TwinCAT Version V2.11 it is important to have Build 2230 of higher. Otherwise the EtherCAT Communication can stock when TCP/IP is used.  

2.2 Update xml Description 

Check for Internet Connection and open a System Manager. Go to Menu “Option” and select “Update EtherCAT Device Description. 

If you download the Files in some Path, finaly the xml Descriptions need to be in the Folder 
IO-Link description needs to be in the Folder 
Don’t forget to copy the xml Description in case of not Beckhoff Devices (Schmalz, Festo, etc)

2.3 Compare Offline Configuration 

Open the System Manager Application and activate the Ethernet Adapter (Port). To Search the Adapter the Run Time State need to be in Config Mode 

Go to EtherCAT Master and push right mouse button and select “Scan Boxes” 

If the Configuration is identical, the following message box comes up.

If there are different Configuration found it is marked with the corresponding Colors.

Green          -> Identical 
Blue             -> Different Revision Number 
Red              -> Different or missed Slave
Light Blue    -> Disabled Slave 

If the Revision Number on the Slave is higher than in the System Manager configuration, it can work 
If the Revision Number on the Slave is lesser than in the System Manager configuration, it don’t work 
It is to advice to use the same Revision number in Slave and Configuration. This can be done by Button “Change to” 
Red Terminals need to be changed manually.

2.4 IO Link Master EP 6224_2022 

There were some issues with the IO Link Master and the IO Link module BNI005M from Balluf.

While commissioning, the following problems came up
1. The IO device from Balluf was detected, while scanning for it in the System Manager but never got in state 3
2. Balluf sent 2 device description (IODD), one for the V1.0.1 and V1.1 for the I.O link. The IO Link had V1.0, according to Balluf this should work.
o With the IODD V1.0.1 the State “invalid IO Link version” was received
o With the IODD V1.1 the State “port in std dig in” was received (I understand this message as “device not accessible”)



Update the IO Link Master to V1.1.