CX9020 system backup and TC3 authorization automatic transfer tool


Executive Summary

This tool can automatically transfer the TC3 license of the CX9020, without the need for professionals or opening the computer.Users only need to batch create standard cards with PLC programs on microSD cards. Any ordinary operator can insert such standard cards into a new CX9020, and then power on and off to automatically transfer the TC3 license from the original card to the standard card, thus achieving the function of replacing the original card with a standard card.


CX9020, CE, TwinCAT3, license, copy, backup

scope of application:

TC3+WinCE controller with two card slots such as CX9020

Text :

1. Background Introduction

After the mass production of OEM equipment, manufacturers usually back up the controller's storage card and create a master card that contains all configurations and programs.As long as the master card is copied and inserted into the controller, the device can run.TwinCAT 2 users have been using this method, but it is not feasible for TC3 users because the TC3 authorization files for each controller are different.

One of the solutions to this problem is to use a hardware dongle authorization, which involves installing the TC3 authorization in an EL6070 or USB dongle.Each controller is equipped with an EL6070 with TC3 authorization, and restoring the contents of the master card to the controller's memory card will allow it to work.However, some OEM customers of low-end controllers such as CX9020 are not willing to bear the increased cost of EL6070 due to cost considerations, so they can only operate the license file through a card reader. This method is simple to operate but prone to errors during the operation process.

To address the needs of these customers, the author developed this tool to automate the transfer of the TC3 license from the CX9020.As long as this tool and a microSD card with a PLC program are used to create a standard card, any ordinary operator can insert this standard card into a new CX9020, and then power on and power off to automatically transfer the TC3 license from the original card to the standard card, thus achieving the function of replacing the original card with a standard card.

2. Operation steps

To make a microSD card using the method described in this article, you must first prepare the following materials:

Hardware model CX9020 CE system

Software model TwinCAT 3

2.1 Factory MicroSD card production

(1) CX9020 is connected to a DVI monitor, keyboard, and mouse, and powered on;

(2) Copy the CopyLicense.exe to the controller;

Enter the CE system screen, click the Start menu in the lower left corner, click "Start" - "Run", enter \ , click the OK button to open the Explorer.Create a folder named "Hard Disk\CopyLicense" and copy the "CopyLicense.exe" to it using a USB flash drive.

(3) Add an auto-start item for executing CopyLicense;

Enter the CE system, click the Start button in the lower left corner of the start menu, click the New button, enter the Name and select ShellComand as the Type, click OK. Check Autostart and uncheck Start Focused.

Select the Shell Command page in the upper left corner, enter the full file path of the CopyLicense.exe file that you just placed, Hard Disk\CopyLicense\ CopyLicense.exe, and click the "OK" button to close the dialog box.You should see the newly added startup item beckhoff in the list.

(4) Select the startup item and click the Start button to test. If a blank application opens, the setting is successful;

(5) Click Save and Exit to close the settings interface;

(6) Power off and remove the MicroSD card.

At this point, the factory's MicroSD card production is complete for on-site use.

2.2 On-site use

(1) Disconnect the power supply of CX9020 on site

(2) Place the original card in the lower slot of the CX9020, and insert the factory MicroSD card in the upper slot.

(3) Power on the CX9020 and wait for about 1 minute after the TC light comes on.

(4) CX9020 is powered off again

(5) Remove the original MicroSD card

(6) Restart the computer.

The license file on the original MicroSD card has been transferred to the factory MicroSD card, which is now used instead of the original MicroSD card and comes with the TC3 authorization file on the original MicroSD card. The CX9020 can now operate normally.

In step (2), remove the MicroSD card after the LED has completely turned off. It is recommended to use a card reader to make a backup of the entire Micro SD card before proceeding to the next step. In case of any problems, use the backup to restore the original configuration and program.Additionally, the factory MicroSD card is inserted into the upper slot because this is the location for inserting the system boot disk.

In step (3), waiting for the TC light to illuminate is a sign that the operating system has been successfully launched. Waiting for an additional minute is a conservative estimate for the automatic launch of the CopyLiscense.exe tool to complete the process of copying files.

At this time, if the CX9020 is connected to a DVI display, the system desktop will display the message "License Copied" from the application.This indicates that the application automatically copies the contents of the "Hard Disk\TwinCAT\3.1\Target\License" folder from the "Original MicroSD Card" to the same folder on the "Factory MicroSD Card".If there are authorization files on the "Factory MicroSD Card", the folder contents will be copied to the "Hard Disk\BackUpLicense" folder for storage.

If there is no display, simply wait for 1 minute